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Milk Thistle Turkish Paste 430 G

  Artichokes and Milk Thistle Seeds, 430 G

Original Turkish honey blend with milk thistle seeds and artichoke plant, one of the most famous products of the well-known perfumer Arif Oğlu. A wonderful mixture used as a 100% natural-content body stimulator and tonic.

Milk Thistle & Artichoke Blend honey

  • Honey
  • Milk thistle seeds
  • Artichoke leaves
  • Turmeric
  • Dandelion
  • Black grape seeds
  • Nettle plant
  • Lycopodium clavatum (Clubmoss/ Wolf’s paw)

What is Artichoke

Artichoke or the globe artichoke is a green plant distinguished for leaves with pointed tips on the edges and considered one of the most distinctively-shaped wonderful vegetables of splendid nutritional and healthy characteristics.

The heart of the artichoke is the edible part of the plant. The artichoke plant may grow up to six feet in diameter and its original homeland is the coasts of the Mediterranean.

Artichoke Benefits

  • Artichoke is full of phytonutrients that assist in curbing cancer and limit growth of cancer cells
  • The artichoke leaves’ extract stimulates blood flow improvement
  • Artichoke is one of the best natural remedies for the restoration of natural cholesterol levels
  • Cinarin and fibers found in artichoke are considered a good tool for maintaining the digestion system
  • Artichoke is good for the therapy of the irritable bowel syndrome
  • Assists in curing the irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bloating, and stomach disorders
  • Eating foods rich in iron, such as artichoke, is a wonderful way for protecting against anemia.
  • Benefits of eating artichoke encompass improving the complexion’s health and freshness
  • Artichoke assists burning fats, prevents fluids retention and works as a diuretic.

What is Milk Thistle

Milk thistle, a kind of a spiny plant with many common names such as blessed milkthistle and Scotch thistle of the family Asteraceae, is a seasonal plant of violet flowers and pale green leaves. The original homeland is the southern parts of Europe then it was grown in most parts of the world.

Milk Thistle Benefits

  • Protects the liver and is used as therapy for those who suffer from liver cirrhosis
  • Milk thistle is used as therapy for neurological cases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease 
  • May assist in curbing brain functions deteriorations that come as a result of aging.
  • Acts on preservation of bones’ health and it may be a good treatment for osteoporosis in post-menopausal women
  • A wonderful source for flavonoid antioxidants
  • It may assist in minimizing the risk of developing breast and prostate cancers via enhancing the immune system.
  • Fights DNA deterioration and reverses the growth of cancerous tumors
  • Very good for heart health and assists in minimizing cholesterol levels
  • Increases lactation in breast-feeding women.

Artichokes and Milk Thistle Paste Way of Use

It’s highly recommended to thoroughly mix the ingredients, with a small spoon, upon each use.

For good and satisfactory outcomes, you can have as teaspoonful in the morning and anther one in the evening.

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