Here are the most popular types of lattes for 2024

Classic Latte

Made with steamed milk and espresso, the classic latte is a simple yet beloved option. It offers a perfect balance between the strength and flavor of espresso and the smoothness and sweetness of steamed milk. Known for its creamy texture and distinctive layers, it's an ideal choice for those who enjoy the boldness of coffee with a touch of creamy milk.

Caramel Latte

A sweet coffee beverage made with caramel syrup, espresso, and steamed milk. It's often topped with whipped cream and caramel sauce. Despite the addition of sauce, caramel lattes typically don't have a high calorie count, usually containing around 300 calories, just 70 more than a regular latte.

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Mocha Latte

Also known simply as mocha, this latte is filled with chocolate sauce. It's one of the most favored latte types and often includes a layer of whipped cream and sometimes is garnished with chocolate spray. Some mocha varieties use melted chocolate instead of chocolate sauce. Typically, this drink contains about 400 calories per serving, but this may vary depending on the size and whether it includes sauce, chocolate, or whipped cream.

Vanilla Latte

A classic and highly popular type of latte, prepared by adding vanilla syrup to a classic latte. It has a subtle flavor that doesn't overpower, making it a good choice for those who enjoy coffee but prefer a more moderate beverage.

Read more: The differences between Spanish latte and latte

Hazelnut Latte

Less common in the United States but very popular in Germany due to Germany being a major source of hazelnuts. To prepare a hazelnut latte, you can use hazelnut milk to add an extra touch of flavor to your drink!

Chocolate Latte

Often referred to as chocolate mocha, this latte typically features a thick chocolate-flavored syrup with espresso and steamed milk. Many cafes also top chocolate lattes with whipped cream. It has a somewhat similar taste to condensed milk latte. It's very sweet but not as rich as mocha.

Pistachio Latte

Starbucks introduced pistachio latte in early 2022, offering both a plain pistachio latte and a pistachio mocha. Made with pistachio syrup, these beverages remind us of pistachio jelly and are very smooth and sweet. If you order a pistachio latte, it will contain about 320 calories.

Coconut Latte

Coconut latte contains coconut syrup or coconut extract and is common in South American cafes. It differs from coconut milk latte, which is made using coconut milk instead of cow's milk.

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Lavender Latte

Lavender latte has become very popular, prepared by adding lavender syrup to the latte. Lavender is said to have calming properties, making it a wonderful drink for relaxing in the evening when added to coffee, which is already soothing.

To change the flavors of the coffee latte, simply add syrup, extracts, or powdered flavors to the espresso before pouring in the milk. This ensures that the flavors mix together as the liquid flows into the cup.

You can now get all varieties of coffee lattes from Dunyasi Coffee, famous for its various flavors, through the Sweet Saray Store, the leading store in securing and delivering original Turkish products worldwide.